Voivodship Labour Office in Szczecin

Voivodship Labour Office in Szczecin

The Voivodship Labour Office in Szczecin is an organisational unit of the local government of the West Pomeranian Voivodship, completing tasks related to prevention of the unemployment and activation of the local labour market. The role of the Office is specified in details by the Employment Promotion and Labour Market Institutions Act dated April 20th, 2004. 

It operates as a budgetary unit, financed from the budget of the local government of the West Pomeranian Voivodship.

The activity of the Voivodship Labour Office in Szczecin covers the area of the West Pomeranian Voivodship. Its registered office is in Szczecin and the branch office is in Koszalin.

Registered Office of the Voivodship Labour Office
ul. A. Mickiewicza 41
70-383 Szczecin   

Secretary's Office
tel. +48 91 42 56 101

tel. +48 91 42 56 100 
fax +48 91 42 56 205
e-mail: sekretariat@wup.pl          

Branch office of the Voivodship Labour Office 

ul. Słowiańska 15a
75-846 Koszalin
Secretary's Office
tel. +48 94 344 50 33
fax +48 94 344 50 30
e-mail: filia@wup.pl

Contact with the media: 

tel.: +48 91 42 56 101
e-mail: sekretariat@wup.pl

Access map to the Provincial Labour Office in Szczecin