Authorial programs of the Provincial Labour Office financed from the ESF

Authorial programmes of the Voivodship Labour Office financed from the ESF

The Voivodship Labour Office in Szczecin completes also other authorial projects financed from the resources of the European Social Fund within the SOP HRD. The projects are implemented at the Department of Authorial Projects.

At present, these are the following projects: 

"Investment in knowledge as a driving force for development of innovation in the region"

implemented within the framework of Subaction 8.2.2 Regional Innovation Strategies SOP HRD 2007-2013. 

The main objective of the project is to obtain various technical and technological solutions in the form of doctoral dissertations, publications, leaflets or patents, important for the development of the region, above all, in the sector of economy, but also health and culture protection.

The following actions are being taken within the framework of the project:


  • granting general scholarships in the gross amount up to PLN 20 000, provided for a period of maximum 8 months from the date of signing the Contract; 
  • granting specialist scholarships in the gross amount up to PLN 100 000, provided for a period of maximum 12 months from the date of signing the Contract;
  • conducting group and individual training workshops (related among others to: commercialisation and popularisation of knowledge, management of intellectual property as well as establishment of and running a business activity);
  • holding meetings within the framework of Young Innovation Forum, during which, the candidates for doctoral degrees will present the results of doctoral research (scientific circles, entrepreneurs, representatives of the local government, Regional Council for Economy, Innovation, Technology).

There are 160 participants of the project. The condition for joining the project is that these persons should do their postgraduate studies or have their PhD programme started at universities that may grant a PhD title to them and have their headquarter located in the area of the West Pomeranian Voivodship, persons who were educated in faculties considered particularly important from the point of view of the voivodship, or persons who contributed to the development of the strategic area of the West Pomeranian voivodship (in accordance with the Regional Innovation Strategy in the West Pomeranian Voivodship adopted in Resolution No. XIX/218/05 of the Dietine of the West Pomeranian Voivodship).
The project lasts from April 1st, 2008 to December 31st, 2010.

„A professional counsellor and a job agent in the EU standards" 

implemented within the framework of Submeasure 6.1.2 Support for poviat and voivodship labour offices in implementating tasks promoting vocational activation of the unemployed in a given region - SOP HRD 2007-2013

At present the vocational counselling and employment service are extremely important fields, aimed at granting professional support to the unemployed and the persons looking for a job in solving problems concerning their occupational situation. In response to the needs of the changing labour market, the improvement of quality of services is becoming a priority, which in reference to the above-mentioned fields, translates into raising qualifications of persons performing the tasks related to vocational counselling and employment service.

The aim of the project is to raise the quality and availability of counselling services provided by the Public Employment Services, by increasing the number of professional counsellors and job agents with qualifications adjusted to the requirements of the contemporary labour market.

Within its framework, the project includes:

  • training workshops, courses and post-graduate studies directed to job agents, vocational counsellors and other employees of the Poviat Labour Offices performing tasks related to counselling and employment service;
  • financing 60 full time jobs (2 agents + 1 counsellor) in each Poviat Labour Office;
  • establishment of the Methodological Centre whose aim is to help in the development of uniform standards of counselling and training services directed to job agents, vocational counsellors and employees performing tasks related to vocational counselling and employment service;
  • additional provision of 60 full time jobs for vocational counsellors and job agents of the Poviat Labour Offices of the West Pomeranian voivodship.

The participants of the project are employees of public employment services in the area of the West Pomeranian voivodship, performing tasks related to counselling and employment service. The actions of the project are directed both to the already employed counsellors and agents and the newly employed ones.
The project lasts from April 2008 to December 31st, 2010.


West Pomeranian talents

regional scholarship system" implemented within the framework of Submeasure 9.1.3 The grant assistance for the most gifted students SOP HRD 2007-2013

This project is aimed at provision of scholarship support for 120 particularly gifted pupils from the area of the West Pomeranian voivodship. The implementation of the project will contribute to equalisation of educational chances and raising the quality of education in the region. The project is of system nature and is directed at pupils of gymnasiums and secondary schools, who take the secondary school leaving examination, with the exclusion of schools for adults.

Within the framework of the project, the pupils gifted particularly in fields related to mathematics and nature will be granted scholarships. The scholarships have a motivating character and are paid out in a monthly system in the gross amount that is not higher than PLN 6 000.00 for the whole school year. The application for granting a scholarship may be filed by students who are of age; in the case of a student who is not of age yet, the application is filed by parents or legal guardians. Also the guardians of scholarship holders, that is, teachers and tutors will be involved in the project.

The scholarship is granted on the basis of such criteria as:

  • grade average,
  • material status,
  • individual development plan of a student who will be monitored throughout the school year,
  • place of registration (with a particular attention paid to students coming from rural areas and municipal areas with up to 25000 inhabitants).

The action that strengthens the motivation of students to complete their individual development plans as best as possible will be a contest entitled "The best of the best". 15 most talented scholarship holders, who will demonstrate the highest grade average, scientific achievements and high positions in knowledge contests at the national level will be the winners. The prize-winners will be rewarded in the form of scientific-didactic aids, which will be handed to them officially during the conference summing up the completion of the project. The beneficiaries of the project are pupils of gymnasiums and secondary schools (whose education is completed with the secondary school leaving examination) - with the exclusion of schools for adults - altogether 120 persons.
The project has been in progress since April 1st, 2008 until September 30th, 2009.

Department of Authorial Projects: tel. + 48 91 42 56 178